Selected Solo Exhibitions
2022 Artifacts of the Imagination, Cove Dupont, Washington, DC
2021 Delicate Relationships, La Tomate Gallery, Washington, DC
2018 A Little Goes A Long Way Newman Gallery, Washington, DC
2015 Contemporary Archaeology, Strathmore Music Center, North Bethesda, MD
Classical Assemblage, Dumbarton Concert Gallery, Washington, DC 2014 Annual Open Studio, Jackson Art Center, Washington, DC
2011 Music to the Eye, Images for the Ear, Gallery 1448, Baltimore, MD
Music to the Eye, Images for the Ear, Gary Taylor Gallery, Washington, DC
2002 Powerless Weapons, Useless Tools, Gallery 1448, Baltimore, MD 2000 Primitive Post Modern Artifacts, Liquid Earth, Baltimore, MD
Selected Group Exhibitions
2017 Gallery Artist, R Space Gallery, Washington, DC
2010 Eye of the Beholder: The Fine Art of the Found Object, national show,
Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD
2006 Three Baltimore Artists, Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center, Frederick, MD 2004 Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA, juried Associate Member
2003 17th Annual Critics Residency Program, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, MD
Trio, Resurgam Gallery, Baltimore, MD (3 person exhibition)
New Works, Old Classics, City Gallery, Maryland Federation of Art, Baltimore, MD
2002 Annual Membership Show, Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD 2001 Artists’ Housing Group Show, Craig Flinner Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Artists’ Housing Membership Exhibit, Gallery 1448, Baltimore, MD Maryland Federation of Art Group Show, City Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Membership Show, Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD
Juror’s Choice Award, “Eye of the Beholder: The Fine Art of the Found Object”, 2010
Second Place Award, Creative Alliance Membership Show 2001
Baltimore Museum of Art, children’s program, 1953
non-degree academic studies
East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, 1964
University of Maryland, Far East Campus, 1965
Sakai Sensei, calligraphy & Sumi-e, Iwakuni, Japan 1966
Towson State University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1967 Baltimore Community College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1967 Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, 1968
Academy of Scientology, New York City, 1989
Strathmore Music Center, Bethesda, MD Nancy and Peter Mickelsen, Montana US
Rose Collection in Galleries of the Wintercourt, Baltimore, MD Blair Hollyday, Safetey Harbor, Florida Denise D'Aoust, New Brunswick, Canada
Nathaniel Camp, Washington, DC
Suzanne Stack, Washington, DC Robert and Kate Chartner, Concord MA Terry Romanoli, Baltimore MD Michael Hull, Thailand Whitaker Hauprich, Baltimore MD
Dumbarton Concerts 2014 – 2015 Season Program, “J. Thomas Wells – Classical Assemblage”
Giuliano, Mike, “Critics Choice,” Baltimore City Paper, August 6, 2003
Goodman, Jonathan, “J. Thomas Wells-The Music of Assemblage,” essay, Jan., 2015
Mayer, Janet, “Primitive Post Modern Artifacts,”, May 15, 2000
McNatt, Glenn, “Bold Works,” The Baltimore Sun, August 26, 2003, page 2E
Monroe, Michael, critique, The Guild,, 2000
Radcliff, Carter, “Studio Visits: A Critics Notes,” 17th Anl. Critics Residency Prgm, Maryland Art Place, 2003, p.9
Schwing, Fletcher, “Artfinds,” The Baltimore Press. April 2000, illustration
Seitchek, Cara, “The Bodily Symbol of Identity,”17th Anl. Critics Residency Prgm, Maryland Art Place, 2003, p.42, “Contemporary Archaeology,” Sept. 8, 2015
Newman Gallery, Washington DC Miko Art, La Pas, Bolivia Saatchi Art,